Telecom NZ Broadband Internet Access Service Provider Reviews

Telecom #12 As Voted By The Broadbandme Community

Advg from 102 reviews

Reliability: 4.5
Speed: 4.5
Support: 3.6
Features: 3.7
Value: 3.1
Total: 3.9

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    All Telecom Reviews

    Sr. Name Comment Date Score Total
    1 I have used Telecom broadband formerly Xtra broadband since the beggening and have no compaints, could always be faster though. 27 September 2010
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    2 4 October 2010
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    3 5 October 2010
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    4 Telecom seem to have the most amount of bandwidth compared to their competitors so you see faster more reliable speeds during peak hours. The Value added services are also pretty usefull, fre Flickr Pro account and McAfee antivirus are things I can actually use, would stay away from any ISP's email service though and stick with generic Gmail. Bigger data caps and they would be perfect. 5 October 2010
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    5 5 October 2010
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    6 Pros: can abuse the bandwith limits at no extra cost. eg: download 200gb on a 5gb plan. Cons: customer support is less helpful than eating leather boots. no care for customers at all, very overpriced. only choose telecom to bypass the bandwith limit. 5 October 2010
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    7 I know we shouldn't compare little NZ to mammoth Australia, but seriously? Telecom is robbing us in broad daylight!!! In Oz they're offering phone and 100GB+ broadband for $70.00!!! I'm not asking for unlimited internet coz we all know that didn't work... just resonable prices... 40GB of data is not worth $80!!! Add this to a regular phone bill of $50, and thats $130 without mobile and international calls in the mix... When it sounds too good to be true, then it usually is. And Telecom's not the only one... Orcon has excellent data allowances married to sky high prices. Slingshot's unlimited? Check out the reviews... not so great - 8/10 cases end in disappointment. And don't get me started on Vodafone and Telstra! I will say this, based on history (trust me I've tried them all), Telecom is reliable (and Orcon too), even if your calls are forwarded to some lady in Manila, they're uber friendly and their concern is believable... 20 October 2010
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    8 None. 11 February 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    9 Pros: Fast, Great customer service. Hardly any downtime. Overall rating from me is 9/10. :) Cons: No larger plans than 80GB. 11 February 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    10 If you want reliability and download speed then this is a good provider, however, it is expensive. 12 April 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    11 Had very few issues and have been with Telecom for Broadband for 10 years now. Great helpdesk staff. 15 April 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    12 Ok, so I signed up on this deal that is I have to admit great for value, where If I sign up I would get an additional $10 credit on my account to do with as I please (if I wanted to add an addon or put towards the bill) as well as 5GB worth of free additional data as well as a free wi fi. This promotional contract last for a year. I was told by the salemen that I would get voice mail added to this when in fact that was an extra and an additional cost. I also asked the salesmen if I could cap my data, which is fine, but if i could top-up my data and he said yes, what he failed to mention was that i would have to 'uncap' my data and change my plan thus defaulting the promotional plan I would be on, did i listen careful, OFCOURSE I DID I asked him at least 3 times about the voicemail and data top up and three times he told me the same thing - yes you'll get it - NOT! The modem is soooo slow to connect that i'll juice it up in the morning and leave it on until i go to bed perhaps i should call telecom about that issue, the others i already have hence how i know the proper rules now! I am grateful that I got an awesome deal to begin with its just as a consumer i would like to be informed PROPERLY before i sign my life away and don't think I was going to read a 2 page long microscopic txt T's & C's while he's waiting for me to sign up either he should not of misinformed me. In saying that the call centre was extremely helpful and friendly. Get with it Telecom sales men you make me want to go back to Woosh now thats SAYING something! but im not going to pay the $199 termination fee. 16 May 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    13 Soo unreliable. I missed the deadline for a Uni assignment because among many other times my supposedly wireless broadband cut out (yet again). Had a tech out twice - no better. Internet always plugged into computer as wireless doesnt work. Cannot use the internet while on phone, even though its not dial up. Not happy. 16 May 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    14 I've been waiting for my contract to expire so I could move to a cheaper ISP, but after reading some of the reviews of how unreliable the others are I think I might stay with Telecom. Seems you get what you pay for, which sux cause telecoms plans are too expensive for the amount of gigs they offer. 20 May 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    15 Please type the review comments here. 3 June 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    16 Been with them for nearly 10 years and have generally had no problems. Service is reliable and speed is reasonable. Unfortunatly they are very expensive and for this reason I would leave them, the only problem being is who to move with. I find it disgraceful that their charges are less in areas where they have direct competition, like Wellington giving the impression that they screw those in other areas. I would leave them if there was anyone else offering the same constant service at a lesser price. 16 June 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    17 I need a better broadband 16 June 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    18 Telecom is a rip off! Sick of this service! 2 July 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    19 Please type the review comments here. 12 July 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    20 yeeeeee 24 July 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    21 Please type the review comments here. 24 July 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    22 Please type the review comments here. 31 July 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    23 Much like everyone else I've been a good customer at Telecom for many years. AND much like everyone else, I am switching to another company because of their ridiculous prices. Even in central Auckland I've had my bandwidth disconnected pretty regularly -sometimes a few days in a row. They charge for everything possible and don't have good communication with their technicians which frustrates the customers. 7 August 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    24 Please type the review comments here. 8 September 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    25 continual disconnection. telecom seemingly unable to rectify the problem. utterly hopeless company. 16 September 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    26 Lee Reliable company with lots of resources, some maybe cheaper, but it's easy enough to integrate with your phone line anyway. 2 October 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    27 muneco mateyco intermittent connection, the helpdesk never helped it fixed itself and then failed again over and over, they said that they need to re wire at my expense $ 300. I never received a voucher or discount for the amount of hours I'm disconnected. And to get hold of someone with an idea (more than reset the router or restart the bloody pc) takes 45 ++++ minutes to end up with no solutions. Basically a great deal as you can see 12 October 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    28 John Childers Been with Telecom for all my communications for many years--decades. Broadband installed several years ago. Terrible connection problems on weekends. BUT they consistently reimbursed me for time lost (don't know if they still do). Their advanced problems teams finally decided to send someone out to install splitter--at their cost. Works now very very well. But putting prices up and up with no ability to park broadband when I'm away makes me look for other ISP/telephone. Can't find one that is cheap and reliable! You get what you pay for! 17 October 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    29 Small horses Never been disconnected and speed is great! 24 October 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    30 Kerry McNae I think they have improved a lot, over the last few years, in terms of service, and price, and data, but they need to keep pace with the data caps required in the current world. ie increase the maximum from 100gb to 200gb at least, and prices excess usage at the same or lower cost to the initial plan cost rate, not at a penalty rate of double. 15 November 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    31 Gimp I'm a computer technician and unfortunately have to deal with Telecom on a regular basis to try and get my customers broadband connections going. Of all the ISP's out there, they have got to be the worst for... well, just about everything! The last 4 customer jobs I've done in a row, that involved either a new Telecom broadband connection or a customer moving premises and wanting their Telecom broadband re-connected at the new site, have been absolute disasters thanks to Telecom's incompetence. In all of these 4 cases, Telecom were given all the details required well ahead of time. They then texted my customers (and myself) to tell them "it's all ready to go, just connect your modem and activate your account..." Only to find that when I've gone onsite (at my customers expense) and connected everything up that Telecom haven't actually connected them at the exchange yet!!! And then they get told they'll have to wait about a week for a tech to go back to the exchange to fix it! I could go on and on with other examples, but there just isn't enough I can say about how hopeless they can be. 4 December 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    32 Jarrod Avoid if can. 6 December 2011
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    33 BULL SHIZNIT 20 February 2012
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    34 Anonymous We Want Very Fast Internet Without It's Up & Down Speed and That They Get Rid of That Bug Which Keeps Cutting Out & Restarting My Wireless Modem at Times. 23 February 2012
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    35 Anonymous Consistent, reliable broadband speeds. 5 March 2012
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    36 HTY On many occassions they have blamed my modems, which was supplied by THEM to begin with. With them, you just get passed around, and you end up repeating your phone number 3-4 times, and repeating the whole story over and over. THANK GOD FOR UBS! 14 March 2012
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    37 M Ryder If you agree Telecom needs to offer biger data plans at a more competitive price then please take five minutes to email them and let them know. The more people that complain of this issue the beter 1 April 2012
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    38 Prisha Overall I love being with them, they are better than other internet providers and very simple ! 11 April 2012
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    39 bad 21 July 2012
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    40 Alf Why have a help-desk if the only help they provide is advise to get computer specialist in. This can be done by computerized message like your answer service without needing to hold for 20 minutes just to get this advise! Save the cost of useless and most unhelpful help-desk "technicians" and offer lower prices instead. Better "No H-D service" than a pretend service! 25 August 2012
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    41 Richard A Engdahl Over priced 3rd world country service! 22 September 2012
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    42 Gareth Taupo area 13 November 2012
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    43 Bill This monopoly is raping the nation. Government funded and also completely privately owned they are creaming the money out of new zealand providing a really crap internet experience for everyone. 3 January 2013
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    44 Dave Been with Telecom many years now and apart from the price the service is good. Many friends are with other companies and wish they were with telecom but are stuck in contracts. I suppose the old saying you get what you pay for applies 23 January 2013
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    45 James Horrible experience. Don't get Telecom 14 January 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    46 bill Never use his horrinle service 6 February 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    47 Alex This company may seem good but they just want money. They are horrible and shouldnt even be here 21 March 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    48 Unhappy Consumer >:C 25 April 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    49 Ben Disgusting ISP. Disgusting support. Connection and stability is way below average. DO NOT USE THIS SERVICE - I would rate them lower if I could! You have been warned. 31 May 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    50 terry this company is terrible if you sign up for telcom your an idiot and deserve what you get really telecom 1200$ a year for phone and internet thats outragous... really do they really think its worth that much for the phone and internet ... a phone that no one even uses any more landlines are history and so should this company...the only thing they want is money money money and they don't care about there customers even if they spend 12K on there crapped out services... we changed to 2degrees mobile and its costs 1/10th of the price for what we use.. plus dumped the landline... what a nightmare what a terrible company they don't even deserve a 1 31 May 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    51 Joe I may call up another company and ask to upgrade connection speeds to dial up. 30 July 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    52 Ankit Telecom or Spark sucks big time 2 September 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    53 Jess Spark is the WORST company I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. They have appalling lack of responsibility and customer care. They make promises and confirm with you that they will be doing something and then go back on their word. This is an ongoing issue. They should not offer services if they are so incompetent that they can't communicate and work with their providers. They expect me to do their job for them. Disgusting. I wish there was a lower score than 1. They don't deserve even that. 22 September 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    54 jeff mcguire GETTING SLOWER 3 October 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    55 janin don't even answer their phones within a reasonable time and when they do they don't speak english 7 October 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    56 Herry Constant and frequent disconnection for no reason every 5-10 minutes on bad days (most weekends, and occasional weekdays). How a fraud company like this can still stay in business boggles my mind. If there is an SLA, Sparks would have gone bankrupt long time ago paying all the fines for missing the SLA. I was stupid enough to sign for 1 year contract, and stuck with it. Hey, it was one of the big provider, what can possibly gone wrong, right? Biggest mistake I ever have in my life, can't wait to get out of the contract and switch to other provider. 18 October 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    57 Tom Don't sign up with spark, they are the most unethical group of scam artists i've ever dealt with 2 November 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    58 egor i don't know if i should use the term arrogant our ignorant but telecom invented the meaning. try and contact them and get something fixed, you end up talking to somebody on the other side of the planet that you can't understand or do anything for you. A SYSTEM PURELY DESIGNED FOR INCONVENIENCE !!!!!!. 14 November 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    59 auck pure simple broadband no extras 14 November 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    60 David All round good provider 4 December 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    61 ian smith ''For a modern firm ie ''Spark your speed is in crawling ''mode''!!! 29 December 2014
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    62 Some features are only part of a deal for 12mths..then without warning price per month goes up (mine went up $25). Additionally, spark brought in an increase in price per month...gave 28 days cancel and not pay the additional price per month customers need to give 30 days support claimed notice had been given (no prior notice given) and I should read the terms and conditions...To me it feels like Spark cares more about the $ coming over the table rather than the product and service they provide 16 January 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    63 Jo Spark / Telecom is a disgrace to New Zealand. 6 April 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    64 Alex This is the shittest network provider I ever had! I was dumb enough to sign a 1 year conract with this money raping company! The ultra fibre network they provide is even slower than the ADSL I had!! constant disconnection and shit speed! they should get their ass out of nz ! 8 April 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    65 Bullet worst internet I have experienced in 20 years, I am not normally somebody to complain but this is an absolute disaster! cannot watch anything, you tube, nothing!! 13 April 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    66 Gary Spark nz = shit 10/10 on the worst ISP scale, would not recommend. 26 April 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    67 Foster Changed to Spark from Orcon and couldnt be happier, my speed went from 2mbps to 39mbps, dropouts from 5 per day to 0 per month and only cost $1/month more for naked. Much better value. Support was quite good when setting up and the chat on the websites really helpful 20 May 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    68 mike overall (after 3years as a customer ) 9/out of 10!! 24 May 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    69 joejoe very bad experience for last 3 years, no matter how we down graded our plans to save money few weeks later it goes up....and again up till it blows our target out of the water. 3 times we downgraded to 2nd lowest deal and end up paying for it with the original price for a big gb plan. what a shyster spark is 28 May 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    70 Nad This review is regarding Spark. Worst internet provider service ever. We have waited for 4 freakibg months and they still can't resolve the problem. Been jumping from plans to plans but got NOTHING! We also had to pay for the first month of the contract with NO INTERNET service. We called for their technicians to come in but NO SHOW (twice!) . Apparently there was some 'miscommunication' bull like wrong dates and all. For the second technician appointment, we were told that we cancelled the appointment... WHICH WE DID NOT!!! The word cancel did not even came up during the discussion. I am writing this partly because I am furious and also felt the responsibility to share my bad experience with Spark to the wider community. Think a hundred times before you sign up with them or even better, just DON'T. 25 July 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    71 Nuwan Extremely customer unfriendly service in NZ. I have been using Spark for 2 years. Was getting ripped off on 75 NZD + Some line maintenance which sums up to somewhere around 85, for standard ADSL and landline. Most of all when I wanted to sign off at the end of my billing cycle, (gave 3 days advance notice), they say that they want to have 30 days of notice and they are ripping me off for another month for no reason. I will be moving out of the place where I had Spark, and I will be just paying their cut for NOTHING. Highly dissapointed and I highly regret, why I was with them this long. Do not recommend this to any of my friends. 4 August 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    72 Michael fucking horrible 0.01 up 0.02 down adsl2+ 20 September 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    73 Elizabeth Joseph Spark internet is THE WORST internet provider. It is a virus. I recommend that no one uses their services ever and I certainly will never use their internet, in my own home, and will tell all my friends and family about the rotten service I have gotten. I live in a boarding situation so I don't make decisions about what internet provider we have, but let me tell you Spark is ridiculously annoying at the best of times. I think they even bullied the home-owner where I am staying into signing up/into a contract because I asked her why she's with Spark and there were none of the reasons you'd expect like it was cheaper than... or I got a good deal on... She is an elderly Asian lady who's second language is English and who is very non confrontational/aims to please everyone. When using the internet where I am staying you will be minding your own business surfing the net; Google, my university course moodle, email what have you and when you click on a link/something/the page refreshes or you open a new tab a Spark website comes up with: "Cannot Access Broadband" ( while my computer tells me I have full internet and there is no problem with it according to windows troubleshoot. Sometimes it comes up with a Spark website that requires you to log on and the information you sign into the wifi with is not what they're looking for and I don't know what is, but I SHOULD NOT BE REQUIRED TO HAVE TO SIGN IN EVERY SO OFTEN TO MY INTERNET!!!! I pay whatever amount for the use of internet and I expect it to work not take a five minute break where nothing works and then everything starts to work again. (The only solution is to keep refreshing everything and trying to access google and other sites whilst the Spark keeps redirecting to the website above just like some sort of virus. Until it starts working again that is.) I am not the only person who has experienced this, the home-owner has as well, and the other two boarders also find that this occurs frequently enough to be a nuisance (it shouldn't be occurring at all!) and sometimes causing assignments I'm doing online to fail or a quiz I have to complete to be marked lower than if the internet hadn't crapped out on me at that crucial moment. I have asked why the home-owner doesn't change internet providers and the answer is always because of the contract and whenever she tries to get help they put her on hold for a long time and don't solve the problem. Other internet providers who I have never encountered any such recurrent problems with include Vodafone, and Flip. Flip is great because of the no contract so they have to provide good customer service or you could leave them at any time. Spark on the other hand seems to me to bend over backwards to get you sign a contract without actually conceding anything/ actually sweetening the deal and then completely forgetting about you once you're locked in for the contract duration. I am sorry for the rant but I was just marked at a below fail percentage on an online quiz for class that is forever going to be on my record because of Spark. 100% do not recommend and I will tell everyone I meet who I find out is on Spark to switch companies to any other one before they get locked in to a frankly terrible internet provider. D: D: D: WORST INTERNET COMPANY IN NZ 26 September 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    74 SushiToyota Absolute worst customer service I've had within any company, hands down. Basically our internet has been acting up for the past 3 month, usually you just call them up, wait <30 mins and you get somebody booked for the next day. With Spark however! You have 3 options 1) Book a call, only available at certain hours. You book it and they call you back in a quick time of 5 hours! And when they do call you, they'll still put you on hold for a further 40 minutes to tell you that "I'm just a sales rep, I cant do anything, I can put you through to the tech support, I dont know how long their wait times are though". He puts me through and its a 1 h 10 min - 1h 40 min wait (estimated, probably longer). Sure I guess ill fucking hold, but then their line will cut out 20-40 mins in to ensure you definitely don't get somebody. 2) "Instant" online chat, 24/7! Book this chat, maximum wait time only 30 minutes... HAHAHAHA right, I've still been on wait for the past 2.5 hours. Whats great is, since my internet cuts off so often, whenever it does, i go back to the bottom of the 2.5 hour queue! yaaaay! 3) Call them directly! This option actively infuriates you, the other ones just make you angry cause you're waiting for 8 hours. This 1... this 1 is the best. Ok so when you call them, they have extensively long automatic prompts, press 1 for x, press 2 for y etc. So you go through the commands and they'll be like "Have you tried our new ultra fast fibre? is your current internet provider a fucking joke? blah blah blah blah... 30 secs later, or hold to talk to a technical service representative". So I hold, and I fucking quote "Sorry I did not hear your command, we'll talk to you next time *hangs up*". I'm left thinking WTF??! you just told me to hold?? I've never written a review about a company before, I mean ive been dissatisfied but Spark goes above and beyond to piss you off. If you want a recommendation on which 3 to take if you want to get a hold of them, choose another ISP, you'll get a hold of someone quicker, they'll respond to your request, replace your line, fix your fault and have working internet faster than Spark can respond to your calls 5 October 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    75 Leo The speed is just terrible, speed tests come back at 0.75 megabits/sec. It took me 7 tries to get onto this website. Constantly lose connection to the made in china modem. During peak hours I just don't bother using the internet. I've called customer support and they have checked lines etc and determined the error is on my end, but every device in the house has issues including guests. For all the "ultra fast" this and that I paid for I can't even watch a youtube video at a resolution past 140p. DO NOT GO WITH THIS ISP, my internet's faster on my 2 degrees phone data. 8 October 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    76 Dianna Consistent Piss poor service well done spark! We have two dwellings on our property so two phone/broadband lines the adjacent property continues to have connection issues they're told technicians are coming then no one shows or calls but the connection magically fixes itself (no on faults at their end) then for the cherry on top our connection goes so you go through the same bullshit that everyone's mentioned above I for one have had it with them and will be signing up to another provider in the morning.ive always felt that they won't admit liability but continue to put fault back to our end. I can't stand lying especially when they give me the run around and waste my time for a service I pay good money for! Well good ridence my now old provider who knows if ya piss enough people off you might need to change your name again!!! 19 October 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    77 Andrew useless company 21 October 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    78 Sophie I hate telecom/spark. It's so slow, I can never login to my account, my music pack never works, I wait 30mins+ waiting to talk to an agent. I think spark needs to sort it's issues out. I'm switching to skinny since it's easier to use and so much cheaper even if it means I'll be paying for my Spotify full price. I won't be recommending spark to anyone in the future. Good luck spark with keeping your customers. 23 October 2015
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    79 L fucking waste of money piece of shit. so much disrespect for spark that i wont even add capital letters to this 23 January 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    80 J i wrote out a huge explanation, but for some reason it didnt want me to publish it.. so this is for spark. long story short, they ask you over and over why you want to end your service, i dont owe them the same answer 3 times over ok, their prices just keep going up, i simply cannot afford simple broadband with them and when i said oh i want to go with, oh well we can offer you this and this and this, no thanx i say, well i will pout you on hold, one hour later i kid you not, i have another person saying ok well my colleague said you want to end your services, now why do you want to end your services, im like, what, i just explained this??? and yes, it happened again, in the span of waiting from 8.30 until 12.30 just for them to be like ok well i sent oyu txt goodbye. its like yea, how can one afford your very basic internet??? anyway, just dont go with spark ok, unless you love fine prints and contracts and have pockets full of cash to waste, and just super enjoy talking about the same thing over and over, be my guest.. 25 January 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    81 hank spark nz is the most disgusting bunch of pigs i have ever had to deal with. one lie after another. those knuckle draggers at the call centre are only there to waste your time.the whole company is set up and designed for total customer inconvenience to wear you out so in the end you give up and go away. (pesky people ) just pay your bill and fuck of. nothing ever gets sorted. they cut you of, never return calls and expect you to sit next to your phone for days on end waiting for a call back that never happens. they have got to be the biggest bunch of fuck witts i have ever doubt with. time to get another isp 10 February 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    82 Jay this company want to rip you off in any possible way.wanna close my account after 10 years and move overseas and given them 1 month notice as per their condition,they still want me to pay full for the month while I will be using only 5 days in the month.trying to talk to them why do I have to pay for full month if im only using 5 days and their respond is that its our system doing it,totally bullshit!!they said we will credit it back month after to your account,i said how can you refund to already closed account then?they just said its our system.trying to rip off their costumers.never ever again spark!!totally dodgy company.not recommended atall!! 17 February 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    83 Andrew Ok, signed up for Spark about 12 months ago. Got a $200 welcome bonus. Then no bill for about 5 months. Suddenly, get a $350 bill, complain, and get about $100 taken off. The actual package I signed up for is $84 per month, yet still getting charged $89, even after complaining several times about it. Moving again in a month or two, so can't be bothered worrying about it. One thing I will say though. We have the 30/10 UFF plan. My download speeds are usually around the 32mbps, which is perfectly fine. And we very rarely drop off. I have my computer running 24/5, as I do a lot with the financial markets, and I have not had any issues with this while we have been with them. Considering whether we stay with them when we move, or change. None of the others sound all that great either. 18 February 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    84 Alex I am with Telecom since we had a phone. Things turned negative since the name change to spark, maybe new ownership? It seems now the customer service is in Philippines because when I signed up for 12 month Fibre 100mbps plan there was a $100 welcom credit. I signed up June 2015, ok I have to wait about 3 months to get it connected so I was using fibre from October 2015, still to this date I have not received my $100 credit! I have called at least 4 times, filled a formal complaint (And never heard back) and now I am stuck with them for the 12 months! Is that fraud? What happen to the term of the contract? Everytime I call i need to spend at least an hour with them and tell them the full storey form 0...everytime... And the speed? F**k awful, 100mbps and even on Tuesday 2am the fastest I get never reaches 40mbps. At times I am getting 1-5mbps!!!!!!!!!!! I mean WTF And thats like F**k 80% of the time I need internet for. I was hooked in for 12 months with this shity speed!!! Never go with Spark!!!! How come they are not getting law suits???? Havent even mentioned about the non working fibre phone....... 7 March 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    85 telescum rep ... 17 March 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    86 Kelvin Cannot recommend them. 6 May 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    87 Spark or is that fizz Spark NZ – What a bunch of incompetent, lacklustre bunch if crap they are.. After 4 weeks of waiting, 15 follow up calls, hours of being on hold, transferred to various departments, repeating the story over and over, broken promises, missed deadlines, I cancelled my connection before it even started. Spark weren't even able to setup a home phone connection let alone an internet connection, I mean how long have they been in the telecommunications and they still can’t provision a phone line within three weeks, then they start the blame game but at the end of the day they are the service provider so the buck stops with them. Spark’s Communication (ironically) was non-existent, no emails, no follow up calls nada, the only email we got from them was after I requested it because they decided change our number. Do yourself a favour don’t bother even trying to use their service you will just waste your time and end up with nothing. All good though I have let me feet do the talking and moved to another provider. 16 May 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    88 Happy Huey I wish i could give negative feedback. There is no allowance for negative feedback. this company is absolutely the worst company in phone service. Please look for other company even if they are giving you a good deal on money. no benefit of that. you still would be wasting your money. if you are currently on this service, transfer ASAP. You do deserve much better than this crap, rubbish, absolutely ridiculous service. 20 May 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    89 Spork This company is seriously disturbing to deal with. Countless hours sitting on hold for simple problems, Diabolical service!! 25 May 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    90 Bipin Even if call to customer care they won't pick, if they pick they say will call u 1 hour later. Then they set automatic call after one hour, I picked it's keep raging for one 45min... 14 June 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    91 Lifer It's only when u tell them that u want to disconnect from their service that they step up their game and offer u a better deal so that u stay with them. Otherwise be prepared for a headache. The less u have to deal with their customer service, The better, much like most places I suppose. 17 June 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    92 Joe Why do they cost more than the other companies when their service is just as shite as every one elses. 19 June 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    93 Aaron Telecom/Spark is the shittiest company I've ever had to deal with. 9 July 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    94 Spark Really bad at everything but consistently good at it. 12 July 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    95 Shaun Useless...they blame Chorus for agreement is with them 23 October 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    96 why does your internet fail every day 29 October 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    97 P M Only bad comments which can't be write here. 31 December 2016
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    98 Tina I have been with Spark for over 13 years. Before that I was with ihug (what happened to them?) and I had only changed from Telecom at that time after a very long term, because there was no other way in those days, to change the email address with which I had registered. Twice over the past 10 years, because of cost, I have switched ISP. I soon returned to Spark because the customer service and lack of support and errors with the change-over(both times it was to the cheaper Slingshot), were appalling. Every now and then I am tempted to change because Spark is expensive. But you get what you pay for. I have always found their customer service and help superior. True the wait times can now be very long, but one doesn't have to hold on the line, they call back at a stipulated time and have always, without exception, been extremely helpful and pleasant. 16 February 2017
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    99 Ashish If you guys reading my review trust me do not go for spark broadband its worst ever. Idk why others can still give good review for this. Since last 2 years im seeing whoever my mates and friends have spark are crying. Nz govt should close this stupid company. Money suckers $&@# 14 March 2017
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    100 SparkKys Fucking useless 30 March 2017
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    101 Anna Will not be renewing contract. 23 April 2017
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1


    102 Alex As above 10 May 2017
    Reliability 4.5
    Speed 4.5
    Support 3.6
    Features 3.7
    Value 3.1
